Pioneers in education

BLOG Monday, 24 Feb 2025

5 key pillars

In each article this Term, we are exploring in more depth, our new 5 Key Pillars, which underpin the essence of our Mission and our Values. In my last article, we discussed Faith and Purpose, and how our Lutheran heritage calls us to help students flourish, know their calling and use their unique gifts to change the world for the better.

“In this article, our focus is on Pioneers in Education” Tom Brennen, Principal

When the Executive team heard from our communications consultant that our community valued us as ‘pioneers’ it wasn’t a statement that immediately struck a chord. When we considered it among the other key messages of culture and faith, beautiful campus, excellence in outcomes and community, ‘pioneering education’ didn’t seem to fit.

I don’t know about you but when I hear the word ‘pioneer’ I don’t think about me standing out the front of the school saying ‘good morning’ to our students. I think of those women and men across cultures who have boldly set out on journeys and tasks which significantly forwarded the cause of humankind.

What does it mean for us? It means that we aren’t afraid of trying new things. We have a strong history of being innovators. We were among the first in SA to have Year 7s in the secondary environment. The internationally known ‘Rite Journey Program’ was started here at Cornerstone College.

As we look into the future, as our Board and community are doing now as we undertake strategic planning, being educational pioneers certainly fits within our aims and goals. Our young people are not the young people of 1990 when the College commenced and to keep meeting their needs, we have no option than to keep forging a path forward which will often see us as pioneers.

It is a joy to be the Principal of a College which isn’t afraid of the new. It is tied to our faith – our Lord gives us the confidence to follow paths that don’t always look clear and comfortable.

Tom Brennen
