Our New Vision for Learning

BLOG Friday, 13 Sept 2024

Embracing Innovation and Collaboration in Our New Vision for Learning at Cornerstone College Mount Barker.

Head of Learning and Innovation, Mrs Kirsty Hansen.

One of our strategic goals this year, is to review the College’s approach to teaching and learning. We are excited to launch a new vision for learning, along with a supporting framework, toward the end of this year and early next year.

Our new vision will be closely aligned with the recently released Free to Flourish framework, a teaching and learning document created for all Lutheran schools by Lutheran Education Australia. The framework reminds us that ‘learners are innately curious and creative. Delving into big ideas, they co-construct their journey of discovery, creating and reflecting as they make sense of, and shape, the world around them.’ The values within this framework are firmly grounded in Christian values, resonating with Cornerstone’s mission - Christ our Firm Foundation - and the pillars of being Relational, Purposeful, Adventurous, and Compassionate and will underpin our new approach to teaching and learning.

The Bible reminds us, ‘Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labour’ (Ecclesiastes 4:9). This collaborative spirit guided our Learning Leaders when they recently toured schools in Sydney and Brisbane, inquiring into best practices in contemporary education. The schools we visited are recognised for their innovative approaches to learning that engage students and unlock their academic potential. Upon their return, our leaders have worked collaboratively with teaching staff to share insights and ideas, inspiring new ways to connect students with real-world challenges.

We’ve already seen these ideas come to life through student-led initiatives like the ‘Live in 5’ music event, with our talented music students performing a variety of songs as live lunchtime entertainment once a term. Other initiatives coming to life are the Year 9 Inquiry Elevate unit and the Year 8 Business project.

We are excited to see more visions unfolding with this new framework.